Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sturgeon's Flaw

Like the myth-enshrouded Murphy's Law, which states that anything that can potentially go wrong, will go wrong once a time, Sturgeon's Law is close to reality but somehow needs closer attention. As agreed in class, 90% of all media output might be crap, trash, a bunch of waste. But why? Because it does not serve the purpose we as "academic", critically thinking people seek in it. I think we have high demands on news coverage, a more or less sophisticated sense of humor, and mostly seek educational benefit in sports, shows, series and entertainment (when not watching trash TV to destress after work - still labeling it crap though watching it). Saying that 90% of everything is crap speaks from a very upscale, high-faluting perspective, setting high standards of quality. Although I mostly agree with it, it disregards the fact that many people are satisfied with a much lower level of quality, creativity and diversity in products such as media content: reboots, remakes, spin-offs, tabloid journalism, miserable game shows and sitcoms...


  1. I’m totally agree with you that we have high expectations on every kind of news coverage. There plenty of series, shows and sitcoms in the TV and as viewer, we just have to click on our remote for changing the TV stations. Quality is a very important aspect clarifying the question what is crap and what is not crap! I think everybody has to decide for himself, what crap means, what includes high quality and which alternatives are aired in the TV schedules for satisfying the own desires.

  2. I agree with what you said. Many people do decide what is and isn;t crap based on the quality of whatever it is they are watching. Depending on the movie or sitcom I on of those people who will pay attention to those little things. I must say also, sometime low quality sitcoms and movies do sometimes catch my interest. So you are right it depends on the person.


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