Thursday, October 13, 2011

Being called a 500,000 Snuggie

I really don't think it is all that bad being called a snuggie. I have been called worse. I think it is a matter here that coulton is relevant and the "hater" is upset. Coulton is making money now so why be jealous of a nerd that came up. I think it is beautiful thing that Coulton reached out to all these people and is now a small celebrity. Planet Money are major haters and should be called Snuggies. I believe that they wamt to make money off of coulton success. One of coulton fans commented that it is hard and challenging becoming a celebrity nowadays and i believe this is true. There are not many other jobs going around that makes 500,000 a year. They can call me a snuggie for that amount of money. Coulton is expressing his love for music to nerds and geeks around the world that are just like him. I don't think that it would be a problem for another person so be successful even if planet money think its crap. I can name several big artist out now that don't deserve there money on fame that they have. Some people just make!

"I honestly don’t fault Frannie and Jacob for having negative opinions about me or different opinions about any of these issues. And I’m not trying to ignite a flame war or tear anybody down. I’m simply amazed and disappointed that none of these questions ever came up in a conversation about the internet and the music business, on a podcast, here in the year 2011. It just feels like a huge missed opportunity, and it makes me sad."
- this quote is from coultons response to planet hater money and i think that it is sad that he has put forth this much effort and trying fuse the situation. its all about the benjamins nowadays so to coulton continue to make your money!

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