Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Artist Profile - FreeSol

I would like to focus on a local Memphis band called FreeSol. They started as a Newbys band and were picked up by Justin Timberlake. They utilize their website, YouTube, and connection with Justin Timberlake to promote their music. They really haven't taken off yet but wanted to discuss how the short and long tail interact and how it can either benefit or hinder the final outcome of the product. Their website is and think it would be a great challenge for me since this topic is neither dance nor sport related.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I guess the thing you are going to need to do here is ti make a case for how they used Media 2.0 to get into the mainstream, because now they Have Justin Timberlake and the major labels behind them. So it looks like they are trying to go to the head of the tail. Do you think you will be able to get enough information about what they did *before* hooking up with Timberlake?


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