Thursday, October 13, 2011

Small Potatoes

The whole Coulton and the self production argument that ensues are very interesting from a business standpoint. But I think the bigwigs who are so afraid of these new self produced artists might be overreacting a little. For every Coulton or Radio Head, there are a million duds that don't make it. That's not necessarily due to a lack of talent or product quality, but few artists know how to market themselves, or they are just not willing to put in the work involved. The rub with doing it all on your own... You're doing it all on your own. Thus, the number of Coulton's out there should not be enough to make NPR mad ;). However when you combine talent and good business sense, as has Coulton, you can end up winning big, all on your own.

1 comment:

  1. That's so true Jesse. If you're going it all on your own, you definitely have to be prepared to do it ALL. Even if that includes ironing on your logo on your t-shirts. But, if you're ready to get down and dirty, you could possibly be successful.


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