Thursday, September 29, 2011

Whats that word again?

Today's class has to be the hardest yet to follow and retain the concept for. You almost had to have a dictionary in order to understand the key concepts in Produsage...and that might not help with understanding the terms, like Fluid Heterarchy.  I don't agree that changing the terms helps us to grasp an understand of these ever changing phenomena, if anything it complicates it.  I'm reading George Orwell for another class and it his views were very evident withing Media 2.0 this week which are; when explaining something put it simply don't complicate an already complicated subject.
Tuesday we discussed Jenkins chapter on Fan Culture and copyrights.  The idea of copyrighting made me question if we have any original ideas left because it seems as if everyone wants to try and make money off of something someone else has already done.  there seem to be so many loop holes in the concept of copy writing that you almost would have to major in it to understand everything.  Fan culture has excellerated with the Internet, especially the Star Wars phenomenon. As a fan you have the power to be the producer and the consumer all at the same time, or as we learned in class today the produser


  1. exactly! Overcomplicating things is so useless. Sometimes I think that academic writing is meant for academia only because of the way it is writing, but knowledge is meant for all. It makes much better sense to keep it simple for everyone to understand. I'm sure that research scientists know the complicated and simple way of saying "pass the salt"...but..yet...sometimes I believe they can build a 3 paragraph section encompassing that one phrase. :-/

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  3. I don't think there is such a thing as truly original content anymore. There hasn't been for a long time. Everything is a remake or mash-up of other ideas, themes, and styles.

    I think the future of copyright laws will become broader and less likely to be enforced. Right now, those adamant few who can afford to defend and protect their content will. Over time, society ease up on our ideas of property.

    Instead of grasping onto credit for personal ideas, we should embrace sharing, collaborating, and innovation.

  4. I personally hate when things are over-complicated. Simplicity is underrated. Why try and make things more than what they are in an attempt to make people learn something new? And i'm sure we would all like to see original ideas but history repeats itself and everything seems to just be revolving in some type of way which equals a lack of originality. But it would be nice to not see something that has already been done.

  5. I've always liked making up my own terms lol... So I guess it makes pretty good sense to me, e.g. - Copyright laws fall into the category of Suckatastic Baboonery. :)

  6. Over-complication is the last thing we need on this particular topic. As silly as it sounds, the KISS rule applies here. Keep It Simple Stupid. There's so many loop-holes and only-ifs that it seems like its purposely done so that everyone has a way to sue someone

  7. Nominated for cool new term of the blog:

    Suckatastic Baboonery


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