Thursday, September 29, 2011

Push, Pull, and Churn.

Bruns' article is very dense but it does has a lot of interesting conceptual framework. He introduces and then analyzes many themes we are already familiar with in a broad sense. Bruns introduces the new word "produsage" to distinguish a difference in the new roles we all have within the gradually evolving structure.

(Most of the main differences outlines on the ppt and explained well in class - fluid heterarchy, communal evaluation, ad hoc meritocracy)

More to examine - harnessing and harvesting information and communities. Should corporations intervene in the internet ecosystem for economic gain? Will they have more power to to change the structure into a hierarchy, or do we all maintain the power to keep it a fluid heterarchy?

Do you feel the "information pull" ? Do you feel obliged to collaborate...or the drive to create? To participate somehow in the blender's slew of constantly churning and evolving information? Or do you, at least, see the traditional product push model less? Or are you less impressed by it? Do you challenge the traditional producers to step up and be more creative?


  1. Very thick stuff indeed. I too felt a little bogged down with the concepts in todays class.

    I do feel the "information pull" and actively participate in many different online communities. I am willing to consume whatever media captures my interest be it digital, a written book, or oil painting. The medium makes no difference in todays culture I think the real emphasis needs to be on making sure whatever it is it reaches the intended audience if it does not perhaps it needs to be re-evaluated.

  2. I feel the information pull to add in my two sense and collaborate with the collective intelligence out there. I am a socially savvy individual - or I like to think so - and adding to the conversation not only gives you presence and a sense of influence, but it also adds to the knowledge others receive


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