Thursday, September 15, 2011

Product Placement and Lovemarks

Lovemarks are emotional capitol that advertiser use to get us to spend our money and become loyal fans.  in class today we specifically discussed the Coca cola and Pepsi companies, although I'm not a big pop drinker I believe that Pepsi taste better than Coke; however I would buy a Coke before buying a Pepsi.  Why, well I'm glad you asked.  Coke does a very good job of marketing their product, they leave you lovemarked. Growing up I can remember all the commercials especially the Christmas commercials with the polar bears which always made me have those feeling of coziness, which is why I buy into what it is they're selling.  We live in day and time where we have no patience, we don't even want to sit and wait for commercials so we fast forward through with our U-Verse.  Companies are getting to a point where now they start placing products in the shows are having a show based solely around one specific product.  There have been times when I've watched television and went out and bought a product because I saw it on some TV show.  We are consumers of products even when we aren't trying to be.


  1. Your example of the christmas coke commercials is classic. I think that is what the author was trying to say. These brands have appealed to a sense beyond reason. They pull at our very emotions.

  2. Shannon, you drink coke because it taste better! lol no seriously, I agree with you in that coca cola is one of those things that holds a lovemark. Growing up, that's what I remember seeing on tv myself and the christmas coke commercials were the best (especially the ones with santa.) I'm not a big fan of soda but when I do drink them I drink coke or coke products, not that I have anything against pepsi products get the picture

  3. It's like the phrase "Jack and Coke". It just would not have the same connotation (or taste) if it was "Jack and Pepsi" ;)

  4. Concerning the debate Coca Cola or Pepsi, what tastes better, there was an interesting experiment in 1992, called the “blind test”. In this test, two scientists (McDonald and Chernatony) offered people a Coca Cola and a Pepsi. The test persons should figuring out which of both cokes taste better. In the first round of the test, they received the cokes with its brand logos. They most people voted for Coca Cola. In the second round of the test, they got the cokes WITHOUT the brand logo. In consequence, more people preferred the Pepsi. This test shows which huge impact a brand has.

  5. Well I have been personally lovemarked by coke for years. The brand itself has a history of innovation and becoming one of the first brands to really mold customers into their products and gain such a vast following. Now, the only time I really don't like coca cola is when I'm doesn't taste as great abroad. The company did a great job with their fans on their Facebook Page as well by hiring them to do it since they were the ones who created it in the first place...awesome!


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