But before I voice my opinion on subject matter in those chapters I want to point out a current event that is happening as a result to the “Black Box Fallacy”. Page 15, second paragraph; “As Cheskin Research explained in a 2002 report, ‘The old idea of convergence was that all devices would converge into one central device that did everything for you” … “[decreasing] the ability of that appliance to serve its original function…” Apple is currently creating this idea and will be releasing it this fall. Apple’s iCloud will essentially eliminate the need for cable connection between devices. I can be in Colorado and take a picture with my iPhone and it will automatically be downloaded to my MacBook and iPad that I left in Memphis. This concept is radical and basically AWESOME!! Here is the link if you are interested in learning more about it.
I want to combine concepts from chapters 1 and 2 regarding spoiling and gossiping and how now its encouraged rather than frowned upon. First, I see the notion behind media convergence enabling a communal reception rather than an individualistic form of consumption becoming more apparent every day. Before the rise of media globalization there were not many other forms of communication or “gossip” that society could engage in. Consumers of television and media had to wait until the next day at work to discuss with colleges and friends about the previous nights television sitcom. With the rise of globalization in media and technology we now have multiple forms of expressing our thoughts and opinions through a virtual community about what we consume through media.
I see the concept of “live tweeting” as the most recent way we spoil media knowledge today; and the past 2011 VMA awards on Mtv exploited this idea. Not only did they promote that they as the producers of the show would be live tweeting, they practically begged the world to join them as we watched the show. I personally engaged and voiced my opinion of the show and also got updates (or spoils) of what performances would be coming up after the commercial breaks. I think that the VMA’s turned the negative reception of spoiling into a more exciting one.
Marina, FYI, Dropbox (http://www.dropbox.com/) is another basically free service that does the same thing on either mac or PC. The advent of the cloud to the internet does make life easier.
ReplyDeleteRe spoiling.. I think spoil is a bad usage. Rather than spoil it has the vast capacity to enrich or even empower. Spoil seems to be the pov of the producer rather than the audience.
Grace - Not necessarily....it depends on who 'spoils'. when i was live tweeting during the VMA's it was not just the producers that were updating the twitter world of what was going on at the show but it was everyone else who was there and even watching it from their homes.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your comment on how shows are mainly from producers point of view not the audience. Read my comment to Ashley's blog because that is what i touched on in my comment.
The whole "spoilers" debate is very interesting...I have seen very heated arguments between different groups of fans of the same show, for example, espouse very strong arguments either for or against spoiling. Some fans really want the suspense of not knowing in advance what the outcome will be, and thus really hate the spoilers, while others, as with the Survivor chapter, relish the challenge. Thus, on many fan websites, conventions have emerged to mark threads or posts that contain spolers (Spoiler Alert), so that people who want to avoid them can do so.
ReplyDeleteConcerning the cloud services, I’ve read an article about Google, which wants to launch a cloud service application for smart phones with focus on music. The advantage of this model is that consumers can have access to every song, not matter which device they use. Furthermore, the songs aren’t located at somebody’s own device. They are all available in the cloud, so it’s also possible to get the songs from anyone else’s devices. So the idea could be very practical.
ReplyDeletePertaining to spoiling, I think it has advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, some people don’t want to know what will happen in the next episode. On the other hand, spoiling makes also the show a little bit more popular.