This attitude may not be popular but it's mine and I own it. While later in life I may choose to become politically active now is not the time. I do vote, and do enough research to be informed enough to choose the candidates whose views most closely align with my world views I have never stood on a soapbox about it.
I do like that the internet has made it easier for the long tail of politicians to have their views heard and considered by a much larger audience than would have ever been previously possible. In the last Presidential election and all future ones I think that the true battleground will be digital.
For me though, at the end of the day politics is something that I still don't want to touch with a ten foot pole.
In other news here is a picture of George Lucas knitting at a Starbucks:

A lot of people feel the same way about politics as you do; especially the younger generation of people who are now getting to vote. There is a lot of info out there about candidates, good and bad. Many choose not to get involved because they feel nothing will change if they do. They see politicians a paid liars who scheme just to get into office. I totally understand.
ReplyDeleteWith Ashley saying that younger people are not into politics is true I'm not at all. If they look all important I turn the channel I don't care to look into politics because the info is not real. I don't like hearing about things I have no Interest in the world we live in is already a tragic politics and there issues make it no better
ReplyDeleteIt's very hard to pay attention to the painful world of politics when there are things like George Lucas knitting out there. Just saying, = way better :)