Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Politics and Media 2.0

I really enjoyed last class. I feel using the internet with Politics is giving us a greater opportunity to be in the know about what is going on in the world. I like the fact that if we do not like a contender, we can make funny pictures of him and stick it on our blog. Freedom of expression. I like that if we like a contender, we can advocate him on our blog or Facebook. Since the US is so big, and there are so many people involved, and many elections to vote in, the idea of having the internet at hand to discover whats going on is amazing. We can not always watch every speech given by every person running for an office, that is why social networks and blogs are interesting to have on smartphones. Otherwise, we may miss out on all the "interesting" stuff that people like Ann Coulter come up with. And, we all know that we would not want that.
I like the fact that the long tail offers me everything that I want. Sometimes I want to know what is going on, and I want to know it in lay mans terms. Sometimes I want to know what the legal obligations are in making such a law. I want to know what is going on in Congress, but I don't want to sit and watch CSPAN. Thanks to the long tail, I am offered that in a variety of forms on the internet, and I can pick and chose what to read, and who to follow. Do I want to go mainstream, or do I want to follow someone who is speaking from their heart and not caring as much about the ratings? Its my choice. Since I am a fan of the long tail, Ill have the leave the Jerry Springer show that is appearing daily on mainstream media and go to little Suzy Joe who is blogging about why she does or does not like what someone running for office has to say and why she doesn't think they are appropriate for that office. To me, the long tail offers us more opportunity to get the truth, and to read pure hearted journalism (finding some pure unbiased people), who care about the issues at hand instead of what someone is wearing, or what someone looks like. Since we have become a nation who cares only what people wear and how they look, the issues have become second most important, when it should remain the most important thing that determines whether someone is elected. I say no to mainstream politics and yes to the long tail once again!!

Whoo hoo for the Long Tail


  1. That is right. With the internet, you never miss important information, speeches or other political stuff. You’re independent and can consume when and where you want. In my personal opinion, I think they internet is definitely a plus for all the politicians, because they have more opportunities for reaching their audiences. Especially younger people, who use the web for their daily tasks and activities, can easily get reached.

  2. Yes definitely. Maybe it will allow opportunity for people to become more involved in politics, and other important protests and things happening around them. Its good to be in the know, but coming from this generation, waiting on the mainstream to give you what you want just isn't an option. Its good that the internet allows us to be more involved, or at least gives more opportunity to.


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