Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Concluding Jenkins

In conclusion to Jenkins he is establishing that convergence is taking plac as we know it. In reading the conclusion if the book our media now has changed tremendously. We no longer seek to televsion, newspapers, or radio for information we now use oour phones apps and internet to learn and gossip about everything we know. I believe without this new media we would be bored out of our minds like in the earlier years. Jenkins believes that this convergence is only going to happen more overtime. The consquences for other outlets should get on board and converge to this new media as we talked about in class. I am not opposed to or FOR this convergence change, however I am just living for what come across as an interest for me. I may will Converge then. :) Traditional advertising will be taken over and the new media is set to take place and conquer. This new media is much easier and convinent anywho so I probaly have already converged even though I love the tv. But this newness satisfies the media more!! COnverge or GEt left Behind!!!

A question Ive been dying to know who invented the apps and android systems? Anyone?
Very interesting. Il go ahead and google it!


  1. “Converge or get left behind” is absolutely the right keyword(s). Nowadays, people have to implement and interact in the changes of the new media, convergence culture and digitization. Books get replaced by ebooks, newspapers by online sites and news apps. Nonetheless, I don’t think that without new media we would be bored out of our mind. Older generations mostly knew a world without all these processes. In the end, they are also well educated and had their forms of gathering news. But as time changes, people changes their media habits too.

  2. Couldn't have said it better! Adaptation is what we used to call it, convergence is what we call it now, even the vocabulary changes over time to describe our ebb and flow of media and the ways in which can communicate. I am thankful for creativity and technology. I am curious to see how new new media will change into new new new media and the convergence process from there.


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