Short version: Coffee & Power is an online marketplace where people can buy and sell small jobs. Get something done, right now!
Longer version:
Quote: Q:
How does it work?
You tell others what you are willing to do or need done, right now, for how much. The map shows your listings (we call them “missions”) along with those of other people. You use SMS and your mobile phone to quickly make/receive offers and get paid. Buyers and sellers use a virtual currency system (C$) for payments. You can earn C$ by selling missions, or buy themusing your credit card or Paypal. You can also turn the virtual currency back into US$ via Paypal.
The site has been set up by the founder of Second Life and its a much smaller scale scheme to link up people. I'm interested in studying the way it really works and how successfully it integrates the concepts it extrapolates.
NOTE: my apologies for being late posting this. I've had an office move at work and a house move at home as well this last week! The packing boxes are flying fast and furious.