Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Brian Ibbott

Our guest speaker, Brian Ibbott, was really great to listen to.  I think I got more out of what he had to say because he's doing something that I want to do:  playing great music, that he loves whenever he wants to.  When I finally made the decision to get into radio, I thought I would get to be like those DJ's I would hear on the radio when I was younger.  I, like Ibbott, thought those people sounded like they were having the time of their lives while getting to interact with people over the phone and playing music they love.  But, alas, I have learned otherwise.  But,  I still would like to be able to play those songs that don't get played on the radio.  Hearing Ibbott has me thinking about possibly getting into pod casting.  Time will tell...

1 comment:

  1. He was inspirational in terms of getting into podcasting. He also revealed the huge downsides of radio that we have kinda hidden from ourselves


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