Thursday, December 15, 2011

Oct. 20: Jason Scott

This is an overdue post...trying to catch up :)

When we had our guest speaker Jason Scott, it was really interesting to hear him speak via Skype. Mind you, I've done skype chats before but never an an introduction for a group of people. I am simmering with ideas on skype chats for other classes and guest speakers on campus.

Jason had a lot to say about his niche startup. I love the fact that he has been able to find such creative ways for funding something that is really a niche market and would normally be hard to find a large audience for. I do think innately we all have a bit of geek in us though. Take, for example, my love of shows like the Wonder Years and I Love Lucy. I'm quite a fanatic, but this would seem normal to people 10 to 20 years older than me. To my peer group, however, a fascination with I Love Lucy is a bit before their time period. I do mea a fanatic..I had every episode, lunch boxes, clothes and accessories, and when I went to Disney World at 12 years old my little heart overjoyed to see that they actually had a Lucy Store.

In any case, although his startup is a little outside of my interest, the way he was able to package,distribute, and fund everything is pretty amazing to me. I would add to his funds simply for the fact that he is doing something he loves to do and for other people who love it as well. I am also a filmmaker so I know how hard it can be to get your films to the public and have everyone really like them. He did a good job and the sype guest was really interesting for a different kind of classroom

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