What is Media 2.0?
This is the class blog for COMM 4811/6811 Media 2.0: Production & Distribution in the Internet Age at the University of Memphis. Instructor: Kris M. Markman, Ph.D.
Friday, December 16, 2011
November 10: Anderson, Chapter 12 to end
October 14th: Fans, Friends and Folowers
· Create opportunities for participation: audiences want to do more than just consume, they want to actively collaborate, craving “recognition and connection". When he mentioned that as a creator, you may not want fans to critique your creative style, but this will help in the process of making your work even better. It is a little bit scary to open up your work for many to ponder, like, dislike, and repost in various forms. However, the advantages of it can be grande. For example, one of my iReportMemphis YouTube videos about the Freedom Awards by the National Civil Rights Museum has been selected to be archived as part of their history. I could have chosen not to make that segment open for public debate and scrutiny, but my objective as a reporter is always to inform the public. Therefore, I was given the chance to let them critique on an open media such as YouTube...and they liked it :).
· The power of the link and how it can track how people are getting to your site is explored on page 6. Suggestion to offer exclusives to the media sites that generate the most traffic so that they will link back to your website is a hot topic here. I often look at analytics to see how people came to my site and i find that most people view it via Mobile Media. Now this is new to me, but nonetheless something to think about. The way a website looks via mobile media is completely different than what it looks like via the original website. You don't have the fancy borders or great layout that you spent months creating; you just have posts about your topics. Therefore, you have to learn how to know your audience and make choices to fit their needs. I need to focus more on the blog posts than the overall look of the blog itself, because many of my readers will not see the entire site...just the post. More links, videos and pics tend to engage readers more.
· Ask for reviews and ratings, send advance copies and access to mentors and influencers of your new project to gain their support (p.7). I simply LOVE this idea. I think asking for reviews opens up a plethora of ways for people to see your work. Having them rate it, such as on YouTube, opens the doors for positives and negatives...but overall it gives you feedback. I tend to use the ratings to see how people are interacting with my posts, if they learn anything from it and if it was helpful to them. Creating a site that warrants people to want to make reviews gets me excited about how their feedback and links to my posts can generate more traffic.
Everyone who chooses to become a fan, friend, or follower is ultimately a contributor to the ideas you place on a particular medium. I just discovered that you can request to be someone's friend on Youtube, though I am unsure about what you do after that. I love Kirsner's paper though, and I will surely use it on my upcoming graduate school project.
Sept. 22: Professionals vs. Amateurs
- 5 general ways of making money from your own blog (monetizing your blogs) (p.28):
- Google AdSense
- Amazon Associates
- PayPerPost
- PayPal Donation Widget
- Place ads direct from Advertisers
- Using Widgets, images and videos in your blog (p.35)
- Gauging readership: Statcounter and SiteMeter, Technorati (measures blog by link that go back to your blog), Alexa, Google PageRank, Digg (p.37)
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Oct. 27: Jenkins Chapter 3
Oct. 20: Jason Scott
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Media 2.0
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Media 2.0 project
My blog was an artist blog that represented different artistic individuals and I provided artist profiles and decriptions of the work that was uploaded. Reaching out to other blogs was difficult and out of the 20 emails I sent out I only heard back from one person. some of the other blogs I looked at would have been good but they became ilrelevant to use due to the fact that the individulas didnt update their blogs regularly. other oproblems were things such as people being able to leave comments but that problem was later corrected. I promoted my blog by putting links on 10 of my friends facebook pages and they reached out to friends they had. This project was interesting but I dont feel I have the true knack to keep up my blog.
last page
Media 2.(0
My blog tell all the places to go get fashion and there websites are listed as well i even went as far email sign ups so i can be the first to know what is cheap and on sale. I am a major cheap person but i do spend on what i really want.
h&m.com>>cant order clothes from here
I really enjoyed doing and updating this blog it was really fun and the class was hella fun as well
Media 2.0 Project
I decided to do a blog site on tumblr that discusses social media in sports and how it is such a major factor in our culture. Social media has affected our world in a very big way so I kind of wanted to document it along the way. I enjoyed doing the research for the project and writing on it. I felt like a real sports reporter because with pretty much every post/story I added my own opinion with it. I do plan to keep the blog going after this class because it is very interesting to me what you can find on social media sites and how athletes and sports organizations are using them. We all know that we live in the internet age and even athletes, not just professional but amateur ones as well use social media as a means to connect to fans as well as owners of teams do the same thing.
My class blog is titled Sports Media (<------ click the link). http://sportsmedia.tumblr.com/
Also. I haven't updated my personal blog in a while but I will be over the break so feel free to check it out as well.
The DOCumentary
Media 2.0 Project
Semiotics from the Edge of Time
Multi Media 2.0 Project
I first posted the audio recording only on November 27th. I advertised on Facebook with a link to YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbnP9kk0xIg&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1
I shared my recording with 31 people on Facebook which resulted in 25 comments, 14 likes, and 4 more shares.
On Youtube, my audio recording has received 174 views, 5 likes, 1 dislike, and 12 comments.
I posted the full music video on YouTube on December 6th, and it has received 8 views and one comment, which happens to be from my sister-in-law. Here is the link to my music video entitled "World Gone 2.0" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dro8Q-NoxPc&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1
Jesse Anderson
Media 2.0
Monday, December 5, 2011
Memphis Cycling
Elvis Presley and Memphis Blog
I posted regularly blog entries, such as Graceland, Sun Studio, Beale Street, his teenage life etc. I added some photos and received to every entry some comments.
Those pages have links to my side:
http://www.elvis-presley-forever.com/elvis-presley-and-memphis.html |
http://elvislives.info/links/ |
http://elvisfansite.com/links/ |
http://www.elvis-history-blog.com/elvis_blog.html |
http://elvispresley.com.au/ep/links/ |
http://online.elvis.com.au/ |
http://talkinginmemphis.wordpress.com Promotion:
http://elvispresleyandmemphis.blogspot.com/ |
Blog Project
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Flickr Project
I've been in the flickr community for a while and never changed the way I used the site - to upload and find. With this project, I used the power of tagging, geotagging, and joining groups to become more connected to the flickr community, and have received feedback and views. I learned more about what works and doesn't. The positive reinforcement inspires me to continue shooting and improve.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Class Conclusion
I'm sure there were some other things I was suppose to touch on in this last post. But I don't have my notebook in front of me. So if i left something out, feel free to comment and let me know and i'll try to add some more.
I had a good time this semester and hopefully everyone else did as well. The internet is here to stay and it isn't going anywhere anytime soon so hopefully we get to see how it continues to affect our culture in the upcoming years but now we'll be able to understand the dynamics of it.
Project repost
It was just drawn to my attention that the original link didn't post.
So here it is again, my blog dealing with depression, withdrawal, and mental illness.
My Media 2.0 Project
One of my biggest advertising avenues was using Networked Blogs. All you have to do is set up your profile, add your blog name, select which web sites you want to publish your blog posts, and it takes care of the rest. I set mine to publish my new posts in FaceBook and Twitter. And with the help of my friends retweeting my Network Blogs tweet and sharing in FaceBook, I have so far gotten over 250 hits to by blog. And I also got help by adding tags to my blog posts.
I have really enjoyed doing this project and I plan on keeping it going after I graduate. Here is a list of my URL's:
Event Management 101
Class Project on Flickr
Malvin Massey, Jr.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
I did my Media 2.0 project in the form of a Blog. I did a lot of trial and error. Once I created a blog, I had no clue where to go from there. I read an article online that suggested sites like Yahoo! Q&A.. Epic Fail! I did answer dog posts and then included my URL, and I saw that people were visiting the sites, but they were not staying or following, or commenting on anything I posted. So, I decided to strictly focus on the Blog Elements, and get in touch with fellow pet bloggers. I came across the website PBU. They did a special new blogger post on me, and this opened a lot of new doors. I also commented on animal related blogs, mostly blogs relating to pit pulls. There were over 40 comments that I made on other peoples blogs, I saw Over 40 because there are some that I forgot to keep track of, but 40 is still a good number for this short term project. I commented on others blogs and responded to the majority of the comments on my blog. When seeing other popular animal blogs I would take some of their elements and style and try to tie it in with my blog. I have 406 hits as of yesterday of my blog. Generally I receive about 20 hits for a new post. I really enjoy commenting on other blogs and seeing their styles. Creating a banner is something i had difficulty with. Blogger is not well equipped to do that. And with my computer I do not have PhotoShop. But I've really enjoyed this blog and have had a positive experience with it.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Three key things I will take from this semester are Produsage, Collective Intelligence, and Participatory Culture.
Produsage because it kind of blurs the line between the amatuer and the professional. Who really is professional these days? We all have the same capabilities to distribute. I am an ETSY fan, and I have my own account, I have the capability of managing my own store ONLINE. This allows me to create and sell, using a free internet source. Artists dont have to rely so heavily on setting up a booth for art festivals as much, they can put it on line and allow others to view it. They can connect their blog to their shop for more advertising to their Etsy shop. This allows me to be actively involved in produsage.
Collective Intelligence was really interesting to learn about, and getting the hands on experience from the Wikipedia project. This gave me a hands on experience and a hands on look at how collective Intelligence works. I was able to put my input in the article, and so was the rest of the world. And the wonderful thing about that, is it allows us to review and change and make these articles perfect so that it can allow others to learn from it. No one person knows everything, so having people around the world contribute allows us to get a more accurate representation.
Participatory Culture, Okay so since we kind of spent a lot of time in class about this, I am going to say that I am participating in this class via Blog Post. I believe I can do the same with Participatory culture in regards to Movie Fandom as well. Each blog post or social networking site Post I make allows me to become apart of the show. It allows me to feel as if I am doing something larger than just watching a television. So I think participatory culture can be divided into levels. From posting online comments, writing new scripts, or creating fan fiction!!
Class Conclusion
This class has been great all semester and the one class I feel I have actually learned new content. I feel like today’s class was so engaging and because it allowed so much “participation” among all of us as we synthesized the whole semester.
I have always felt like I was a computer and internet wizard but this class has completely opened my eyes to all the complex and niche areas of the world wide web that I honestly did not know about. One of the key things I will take away from this class is the realization that “Wikipedia is not a bad source”. As students, we hear so many times to not use Wikipedia as a source in academic papers; that it is unreliable. However, from this class I’ve been exposed to the concept of collective intelligence and that is basically the whole essence of Wikipedia. All of us cannot be experts on all the topics and concepts in the world, yet if there are a few individuals who know different and specific information on one topic then they collaborate and collect all that information to create full range of content on that topic. Wikipedia has allowed for those individuals to share that knowledge with the world that others may not have ever known.
The second element that I will take away from this class is the actual participation in participatory culture. The Internet is this realm where we have the ability to place whatever we like or create out there for the entire world to see. Once we place that content on the web we want others to like it with us and we are full aware whether they do or do not. This realm is place where people can freely express their opinions through comments, “likes’, retweets, mentions, ratings, ect. without exposing their face. As the producer or consumer of the content we tend to react based on those opinions. I have mentioned it before but my experience came from the Wikipedia and our Media 2.0 projects on the graduate end. I was proud of the content I created for the Wikipedia project and wanted others to see what I had produced; yet in the end my article barely has any of my original work. (oh well, learning through participation, right?) I have created a YouTube page for my Media 2.0 project but it still has low number of views, due to others not being interested or lack of exposure. But of course people on YouTube probably don’t want to see some amateur documentary on her dream job and would rather watch some cheerleader freak-out as she won some competition. I just don’t get it.
I’ve enjoyed this class and look forward to taking Communications in the Internet next semester.