Thursday, December 1, 2011

Event Management 101

I did my project on the life of an event manager in the sport and entertainment industry. Thomas Carrier is the event manager at FedExForum and I videotaped the duties he performs at his job. My main goal was to create a visual aid that would educate individuals who are interested in a position like this. The most education one can gain on the topic of managing events is taking courses, interning or volunteering. The most effective way to determine if you are interested in a position of this caliber is to get involved with hands on experience. The current state of our economy has unfortunately limited these opportunities in order to cut expense. My passion for this topic is rooted in my hopes to have a career in a sports and entertainment industry someday. I created a YouTube page for all the videos and a WordPress blog to produce educational content that cannot be said in video that must remain short and engaging. The Twitter account was to help me promote the content but also provided a second function that I had not thought of before starting the project. I figured if I follow multiple entities and organizations around the wold that are closely linked with the duties of an event manager, it would serve a purpose of generating a list that links outside entities to the job duties of the event manager. I started following other event managers, arenas, stadiums, corporations, promoters, and agencies that revolve around the career. The videos allow you to look into the action of what happens backstage at events, and I hope you find that the show or game does not start and end with the artist and players but those who create the opportunity for that event to transpire.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting project, Marina. It appears to be a good one for your interests and future pursuits. Best of luck ongoing!


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